Petrus is all but an average beer. Petrus is a real sour, with roots that date from ages ago, brewed in Belgium according to the finest brewing tradition. Despite its age, it is young at heart!
It is the sour beer reference. Though not for sour people, but for people who don’t care about trends and hypes. People who trust their senses, rely on their own good taste and are eager to explore new boundaries.
Petrus is a slow, unpredictable and wild beer that takes lots of patience. No wonder it is a beer for people who understand the urge to slow down. This beer, aged for 2 years in oak foeders, should be enjoyed sip by sip. Indeed, a real sour... takes time.
Petrus is intriguing, enigmatic and therefore impossible to copy. Only the master brewer fully grasps the complex brewing processes. He rules the mysterious microbiology in the oak foeders. That truly is science with a touch of magic. So why not accept that mystery, cherish the secret and embrace the experiment?
Do you dare to take that experiment to the next level?
Simply savoring Petrus is already quite a rewarding experience, but do you dare to start your own blending experiment with the Petrus sour beers? How sour do you want your Petrus blend? Try and taste until you reach your personal level of sour beer perfection.
Start your sour beer connoisseurship now!
The foeder hall is the absolute eye-catcher of the brewery. This is where we age the beer for 2 years in oak foeders. Each one contains 220 hecto-liters and is made of French oak.
Petrus Aged Pale is a 100% foeder beer, aged for 24 months in our oak foeders. It has been the reference for sour beers for years. Michael Jackson, the beer hunter, chose the name in the late 1990s – and he was the first to sell this beer in his beer clubs. Petrus Aged Pale has won multiple gold medals in beer competitions worldwide. Moreover, ever since the start of the brewery, the beer has been used as a blending-beer with other beers to give them fresh, slightly sour flavors and aromas.
RED by Petrus is a blend of 15% Petrus Aged Pale, pure foeder beer that has been aged for 2 years in oak foeders, and 85% dubbel bruin with cherries. For the fruit beer lover, but with an ideal sweet-sour balance. Full-bodied, fruity and refreshingly sour at the same time!
Petrus Roodbruin is a blend of 33% Petrus Aged Pale, pure foeder beer that has been aged for 2 years in oak foeders, and 67% young brown beer. In this blend, the young dark beer contributes the reddish-brown color and the Aged Pale contributes the slightly sour flavor. Petrus Roodbruin is a typically Flemish red ale as tradition dictates.
Now that you know all about the Petrus sour beers, how about taking your sour beer experience to the next level? Start tasting, blending and tasting again – be a brewmaster yourself and create your own personal Petrus sour blend.
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